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Vaping Health Risks
essay writing service
Limo Find

Texas Dept of Agriculture

LBJ National
Historical Park

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Texas Hill Country.

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When you attend festivals, events & businesses listed here, please tell them
you found their information in the
Hill Country Portal
- Thanks, Portal Editor

Cofran's Texas . . .
Hill Country Portal
A Powerful Information Database & Gateway Service for the Texas Hill Country
Maps, Festivals & Major Events, Local Activities & Fun Things To Do, Attractions, Market Days, Specialty & Seasonal Market Days, Lodging
See above menu bar for City & County Profiles, Government, Non-Profits, Focus Topics & Guides
For old-school simple to use menu, click: List Menu"Your Hill Country Chamber, with no fees"
This Portal is great for tourism, trip planning & things to do.Extensive links for business research in the Hill Country.
This is your "GO-TO" Portal site! Bookmark it or set it as your home page.
Available on-line 24/7
Free listings available for ALL qualified businesses.
If we missed your organization, or if you desire changes, just fill in a request at: Submit Request
Each Texas Hill Country organization may have a free basic directory listing,
including name, address & phone number, shown in one category.
For advanced listing features, including additional text information, email and web links,
images & full advertising details, click: Advertise
Our Hill Country-wide, comprehensive, Event Calendar is a convenient, centralized, source
for major festival & event information. Send us your Hill Country event details (date, description, etc.) via email.
Please browse the many pages of the Portal that folks refer to as the
"Encyclopedia of the Texas Hill Country" and a "Regional Google", and the "Hill Country Chamber".
Extensive directories of lodging, accommodations, bed and breakfast, attractions, entertainment, restaurants, real estate, plus city and county profiles. Extensive listings for chamber, non-profit and government organizations.
Please tell our listers and advertisers you saw their information in the
Texas Hill Country Portal:
A US veteran owned & operated business.
We welcome inquiries, comments, submission of updates, additions, corrections & digital photos, without compensation.
Send to:
We reserve the right to edit listing & advertising submissions to adhere to our standards, including appropriate language.
Our 2024 CALENDAR OF FESTIVALS & MAJOR EVENTS IN THE HILL COUNTRY . . and chock-full of fun things to do in the Hill Country. Just click: Calendar. We update it regularly. If your Hill Country organization will have events in 2024, be sure to submit them as early as possible for listing on our calendars, the most comprehensive in the Hill Country. See handy submission form link on same page or
>> Free Event Listing Form
Be sure to see the following focus topic pages that include a calendar of events unique to their topic. These include: Beer Events, Car Shows, Market & Trade Days, Motorcycling Events, Pet Events, Quilting Events, Wine Events and others. See detailed menu at the top of every page.
JUST UPDATED !! MARKET/TRADE DAYS (Farmers, Trade, Flea, Specialty and Holiday Markets): This popular Focus Topic Page has been updated and expanded. Adding to our dedicated special section for recurring market days, explore our NEW seasonal/specialty market days section, covering holiday markets, antiques, artifacts, art, crafts, jewelry, native plants, guns, area-wide garage sales, and other frequent markets in the Hill Country. This handy resource helps your process of selecting and routing your shopping adventure! Click: Market Days
CITY/COMMUNITY/AREA-WIDE GARAGE SALES: By popular demand, we now have a special section on our Market/Trade Days page for these large and frequent events. Click: Big Garage Sales
WATER WELLS & SERVICE IN THE HILL COUNTRY . . . another necessity for our comfort! Precious water. We receive lots of inquiries for help in locating local water well service. So, our team has culled our entire database of Hill Country businesses and we now have a comprehensive listing of companies that specialize in sales and servicing of water systems, including well drilling, water storage, water pumping and control systems, repair, rainwater, etc. Very handy! Click: Water Wells & Service In Texas Hill Country.
SEPTIC SYSTEMS . . . This subject is a bit dirty, but it is necessary for our comfort as we sure need septic systems and in good working order. We receive lots of inquiries for help in locating local septic services. So, our team has culled our entire database of Hill Country businesses and we now have a comprehensive listing of companies that specialize in sales and servicing of septic systems, including system sales, installation, repair, pumping, etc. Very handy! Click: Septic System Sales & Service In Texas Hill Country.
Our focus page on Hunting & Fishing In Texas Hill Country. With the season upon us, this awesome resource presents a handy and comprehensive directory of businesses and organizations involved with hunting and fishing and associated products and services in the Texas Hill Country. The scope includes day and season hunting leases, guides, gun and shooting ranges, equipment, ammo & supplies, archery, taxidermy, processors, storage, and all other related things.
APPLIANCES . . . might be a mundane subject, but we sure need appliances, and in working order. We receive lots of inquiries for help in locating local appliance shops. So, our team has culled our entire database of Hill Country businesses and we now have a comprehensive listing of shops that specialize in sales and servicing of appliances, including refrigerators, ice makers, freezers, washers, dryers, stoves, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, dryer vent cleaning, etc. Very handy! Click: Appliance Sales & Service In Texas Hill Country.
IS YOUR CELL PHONE SCREEN BROKEN? COMPUTER SLOW? BAD VIRUS? BEEN HACKED? JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW TO DO IT? See our new Hill Country tech services locator & guide at: Tech Repair. Very handy to zero in on who and where nearby your tech devices can be repaired.
ONLINE EDUCATION RESOURCES . . . freshly updated with great learning resources for kids (including homeschooling) and adults alike. Take advantage of your time while waiting out the CoronaVirus and delve into these amazing online resources: eBooks, distances learning courses, virtual tours, webcasts and web cams. Tons of fun and very educational. Click: Education
SCAMS IN THE HILL COUNTRY: Sorry this is such a negative subject. But, this Focus Topic Page may help our Hill Country folks lessen their risk of being scammed. Click: Scams. Let us know what you think.
PETS, VETS, ANIMAL SERVICES & SUPPLIES: Check out this comprehensive Focus Topic Page. Includes all of the PAWS programs, rescue groups, shelters, low-cost clinics, vets, trainers, boarders, groomers, trimmers and sitters are profiled here. Very handy! Just click: Pets & Vets
HILL COUNTRY ON-LINE REACH: The Portal is now serving 500 to 1,500 pageviews per day!! Awesome web exposure for a Hill Country-specific market. Please "Like Us" on Facebook at: and "Share" with your friends.
MAPS: We have greatly expanded our specialized map resources regarding the Texas Hill Country. Check out this handy Focus Topic resource page at: Lots of Maps
ANOTHER GREAT UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIAL FOR THE PORTAL: "Your site is so very helpful. I tell the vendors I meet at shows about this site all the time. It's very easy to navigate and is FULL of helpful information. I travel to festivals, Farmer's Markets , special events etc and this page is always my first “go to” to see what's happening when and where. I've booked tons of markets, festivals and the like with the help of this page so… THANK YOU. Truly. Very helpful." 10/12/2022
HILL COUNTRY PORTAL EDITOR INTERVIEWED BY TEXAS HIGHWAYS MAGAZINE: We are excited and honored here at the Hill Country Portal website with the lead interview and publication of a major article in this magazine about what actually constitutes the Hill Country, and why some are trying to coattail it for marketing gain. Click for on-line version of article at: Texas Highways, by John Nova Lomax, April 28, 2022.
AWWW - Thanks: A Portal user's note to the editor just received, regarding our Focus Topic Page on Jobs: "Please pass along a major "Thank You" to the people behind this website. I wish I'd found it months ago!"

We have developed a very helpful resource for finding a job in the Hill Country. And resources for employers as well. We have assembled a simple to use, clickable, entry to each of the job posting web pages we have found in the Hill Country. This fast method of zipping through the listings by city makes the "hunt" a lot easier. Good luck in your search. Click: Jobs
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO VETERAN'S SERVICES: Our new focus page at Veteran's Guide is a very handy and comprehensive guide to special services in the Texas Hill Country that are oriented to military veterans. Awesome tool! Hope it helps our wonderful veterans. We thank you for your service and protection of our freedom!

LIST-STYLE MENU OPTION: Back by popular demand, an alternative Portal menu in a full list format (like our previous menu system), just click: Menu List
This Hill Country artisan presents her "Shades of Clay"
hand-crafted, ultra-light earrings.
These gorgeous clay-polymer earrings are a pleasure to wear, and you deserve them!
No more painful strain on your ears, head and neck caused by heavy earrings from days gone by!

Sharon Cofran, 281-543-4410,


Site designed, maintained & Copyright © by Cofran & Associates, Inc.All rights reserved
See Terms of Use before using this website.Cofran.cominfo@Cofran.com281-300-7177

Click for Hill Country:
This Week:
See PSA below.
Feb 1, 2025 - BOOTS & BBQ: Horseshoe Bay
Feb 1, 2025 - CONCHO DE LAIT: Bandera
Jan 31-Feb 8, 2025 - 60TH HILL COUNTRY TRAIL RIDE:
Feb 6, 2025 - ARTRAGEOUS: Kerrville
Feb 8, 2025 - HEALTH & WELLNESS EXPO: Bee Cave

America Morning News!
We Recommend it!
February 9, 2025
6:30p CST

February 14, 2025
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Johnson City, TX
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